Minggu, 29 April 2012

Booties update #1

My store worker had been on leave for 3 days this week thus my crocheting productivity had lessen a bit. I manage to finish some orders though. I made two pairs of this hot pink maryjane for different customer.

And this one is a hot red chili one. I added some leaves here..

I took time playing with picmonkey this morning and here is what I got..I like how the image turn into polaroid alike.

I bought my yarns at Keidi's Craft. The shop have many kinds and brand of yarns (which I love) and it only take 5 minutes for me to go there. I have to restrain myself for going there so often.
So when a friend of mine in Kisaran entrusted me to buy some yarns for her. I was like..uhmm..  willingly (eagerly) to go there.. LOL
As expected I always end up bought mine more :D
By the way I'm kinda bored of these maryjane booties. I want to make another booties design too but I have 3 more maryjane booties awaiting .. so yeah.. maybe next time..

2 komentar:

  1. Cuteee:D
    aku juga pernah beli di Keidi... hahahaha

  2. hehe.. tenk kiu ya..
    iya nih.. semakin deket tokony semakin jd racun buat gw :D
