'key, I'm still alive and still lazy as ever for updating this blog :x
Honestly I felt quite quilty for neglecting this blog. It's just.. uhmm.. I used up my time and energy on kdrama (and lately thai lakorn too). What can a Kdrama fans do if there are so many kdrama to catch up *sigh* I might write some review of the drama that I like.. Te-heee..
But the good thing is I am still crocheting. And I took some pictures of it..
Happy crafting, everyone ^^
Selasa, 11 Desember 2012
Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012
Booties update #2
So I finished my friend's order and sent it 2 days ago. She asked me to make 2 booties which is a mary jane booties and a boot, 3 fabric flower headbands for her 2 months daughter and 2 ponytails for herself. She is going to crochet hats for her daughter so the yarns below is the colour she asked for.And there are some extras inside the package. I hope she like everything inside the package ^^
This is my first time making boot and she even personally chose the yarn which is Japanese wool yarn. Well.. actually I don't really like the yarn. Not only it looks too bulky for the boot but it made my palm sweat as well. On top of that the wool fibers were all over my palm and when I unconsciously touch my eyelid it makes my eyes itchy. All of it paid of when I see the result. I will try making boots again next time but using cotton yarn instead :D
This cuffed booties is my sis in law's order.. She is gonna present it to her friend.
This is custom made ballerina booties for my store customer. And this booties fresh me up because it's not PINK LOL
Bye, happy crocheting, everyone!
This is my first time making boot and she even personally chose the yarn which is Japanese wool yarn. Well.. actually I don't really like the yarn. Not only it looks too bulky for the boot but it made my palm sweat as well. On top of that the wool fibers were all over my palm and when I unconsciously touch my eyelid it makes my eyes itchy. All of it paid of when I see the result. I will try making boots again next time but using cotton yarn instead :D
This cuffed booties is my sis in law's order.. She is gonna present it to her friend.
This is custom made ballerina booties for my store customer. And this booties fresh me up because it's not PINK LOL
Bye, happy crocheting, everyone!
Minggu, 29 April 2012
Booties update #1
My store worker had been on leave for 3 days this week thus my crocheting productivity had lessen a bit. I manage to finish some orders though. I made two pairs of this hot pink maryjane for different customer.
And this one is a hot red chili one. I added some leaves here..
I took time playing with picmonkey this morning and here is what I got..I like how the image turn into polaroid alike.
I bought my yarns at Keidi's Craft. The shop have many kinds and brand of yarns (which I love) and it only take 5 minutes for me to go there. I have to restrain myself for going there so often.
So when a friend of mine in Kisaran entrusted me to buy some yarns for her. I was like..uhmm.. willingly (eagerly) to go there.. LOL
As expected I always end up bought mine more :D
By the way I'm kinda bored of these maryjane booties. I want to make another booties design too but I have 3 more maryjane booties awaiting .. so yeah.. maybe next time..
Selasa, 17 April 2012
Quick Update
Awal membuat blog ini daku berjanji buat posting or update blog minimal 1 minggu 1x.. Tapi ini udah 2 minggu gak posting2.. hehe..
Well, bukan berarti daku gak bikin sesuatu tapiiii.. 2 minggu ini disibukkan oleh hal2 laen dari adek dan ponakan yang berkunjung dari Surabaya, temen2 yang dateng buat belajar crochet. Pas udah ambil nafas mo buka blog tiba2 dateng 3 koli barang pesenan, terus 2 koli, terus 2 koli lagi.. Semuanya dateng di hari yang bersamaan! Alhasil keinginan updet juga bye2 deh..
Minggu lalu daku selesai bikin booties lagi.. Deadlinenya udah mepet banget jadi begitu selesai malemnya belon sempet difoto dengan kamera pake hape doank. Kirain pagi masih sempet foto pake kamera.. Ternyata customerny pagi udah dateng jemput pesenan.. Hiks.. Jadi record bootiesny hanya dengan kualitas jelek yg di hape punya.. Booties yang dipesen ballerina slipper lagi tapi dengan warna berbeda... Yang satu lagi maryjane booties dengan kancing di pergelangan kaki.. Yang di foto itu kondisi sebelum difinishing dengan bunga..
Sekian dulu updet singkat ini.. hehe.. Masih ada 3 pasang booties yang udah selesai tapi dalam proses blanching jadi mudah2an 2-3 hari ini udah jadi dan bisa difoto ^^
Happy crocheting, everyone ^^
Well, bukan berarti daku gak bikin sesuatu tapiiii.. 2 minggu ini disibukkan oleh hal2 laen dari adek dan ponakan yang berkunjung dari Surabaya, temen2 yang dateng buat belajar crochet. Pas udah ambil nafas mo buka blog tiba2 dateng 3 koli barang pesenan, terus 2 koli, terus 2 koli lagi.. Semuanya dateng di hari yang bersamaan! Alhasil keinginan updet juga bye2 deh..
Minggu lalu daku selesai bikin booties lagi.. Deadlinenya udah mepet banget jadi begitu selesai malemnya belon sempet difoto dengan kamera pake hape doank. Kirain pagi masih sempet foto pake kamera.. Ternyata customerny pagi udah dateng jemput pesenan.. Hiks.. Jadi record bootiesny hanya dengan kualitas jelek yg di hape punya.. Booties yang dipesen ballerina slipper lagi tapi dengan warna berbeda... Yang satu lagi maryjane booties dengan kancing di pergelangan kaki.. Yang di foto itu kondisi sebelum difinishing dengan bunga..
Sekian dulu updet singkat ini.. hehe.. Masih ada 3 pasang booties yang udah selesai tapi dalam proses blanching jadi mudah2an 2-3 hari ini udah jadi dan bisa difoto ^^
Happy crocheting, everyone ^^
Senin, 02 April 2012
Finished booties
Ballerina Slipper IDR 40rb |
Nyang ini ballerina slipper.. bahan slippernya dari katun bali sedangkan bunga roseny dari chenille yarn jadi agak bulu2 gitu. Slipperny dihias dengan tali dari pita satin. Pitanya sengaja dibiarin agak panjang karena rencanany bisa buat 2x lilit pergelangan kaki babynya ^^
Detail rosenya.. Suka banget dengan tekstur bulu2 chenille yarn ini soalnya lembut tapi yah itu susahny ngeliat chainnya karena ketutupan ama bulu2 itu jadinya pake feeling doank. Finishingny di bagian tengahnya dikasih kancing pink.
Mary Jane Booties IDR 40rb |
Yang warna tosca ini mary jane booties ^^
Tadinya mo dikasih bunga tapi karena udah pake button polkadot kok jadinya keramean akhirnya gak jadi.. Keeping simpel aja :)
Eyke ngerajut booties ini di toko jadi pas ada customer yang liat tadi akhirny mo pesen juga.. Yippeee.. artinya bisa buat modal beli benang lagi.. kekeke..
Buat yang tertarik mo order booties seperti ini ato ada model yang dipengenin kontak ajah ke eyke :
Littlemomo House (yanti)
Pin BB : 22A778D1
sms only : 081959601680
Bubay dulu yahh.. Eyke mo ngerjain orderan dulu..
Happy crocheting, everyone ^^
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
Newbie here ^^
Hola, everybody... first entry in my new blog ^u^
I already have a private multiply ID but since many talented crafters (yeah, I mean you) share their handmade stuff in blogspot I decided to make this new ID. I don't have a baby (yet) but I love making handmade accessories for babies. Lucky me ^o^... We run a baby shop so sometimes I sell it there.
These last 2 weeks I made this fluffy flowers for baby headbands and clippies. I was having a really fun time making these till I didn't realize I made dozens of these flowers.. qeqeqe :D
Ciao! Happy crafting ^^
I already have a private multiply ID but since many talented crafters (yeah, I mean you) share their handmade stuff in blogspot I decided to make this new ID. I don't have a baby (yet) but I love making handmade accessories for babies. Lucky me ^o^... We run a baby shop so sometimes I sell it there.
These last 2 weeks I made this fluffy flowers for baby headbands and clippies. I was having a really fun time making these till I didn't realize I made dozens of these flowers.. qeqeqe :D
Ciao! Happy crafting ^^
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